Tucker Curlson

Tucker Carlson is renowned for his sharp wit, incisive analysis, and unflinching pursuit of truth, he stands as a pivotal figure in contemporary journalism. The first Tucker Carlson ever Deployed

about Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson is a distinguished figure in American journalism and one of the most influential conservative commentators of our time. Born on May 16, 1969, in San Francisco, Carlson's foray into journalism began at a young age, reflecting a deep-seated passion for both writing and politics. Carlson's journey in the media industry commenced with his role as a fact-checker for Policy Review, a national conservative journal then published by The Heritage Foundation.

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how to buy

How to BuyTucker Carlson ?

The contract address of Tucker Carlson is: 0xdafcfa8e5f68b7f4660c4050732598863159a6e0

Creat a wallet and get some ETH

Download MetaMask or other wallet Apps from app store and creat a wallet. Then deposit the ETH into your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Go to Uniswap.finance on browser or your wallet Apps. Connect your wallet and paste the Tucker Carlson contract address.

Switch ETH for Tucker Carlson

Switch ETH for Tucker Carlson. we have 0% taxes so you don't need to worry about buying with a specific slippage.


RoadMap of Tucker Carlson

Step 01

Initial Marketing, Website Development, Smart Contract Develop, Launch on Uniswap, CMC and CG Listing, 2,000+ Holders.

Step 02

Website Upgrade,Marketing Phase 1, Community Forming, Twitter/X Trending, Surprise Announcement

Step 03

Strategical Partnerships, YouTube & TikTok Exposure, Back to True Decentralization, The Future In The Past, Roadmap V2